

Tomato, Cilantro and Gruyere Cheese Omelette..

I know, I know, who can't make an omelette?  But, for beginners it can be a bit daunting.
How many eggs?  How hot should the pan be?  Or even, how long does it cook for?

Well I decided to do a step by step pictorial, so that even my grandkids can make an omelette.

First you need three eggs, broken in a bowl and whisked with a tablespoon of water and a pinch of salt and pepper.  And whisk until there are bubbles.

Next, you want to gather your ingredients you are putting inside or on top of your omelette.  For this one omelette, I used 1 smallish ripe tomato, seeded and diced with a pinch of salt and let sit on a paper towel for about 10 minutes.

Next, chop or grate 1/3 of a cup of gruyere cheese.

Next, chop a handful or heaping tablespoon of fresh cilantro. Oops, I forgot to take a picture of the chopped cilantro, but I bet you know how to do that... ; )

Now, you are ready to make the omelette.  Place your skillet on a medium setting (I use #6 to start) and toss in 1 tablespoon of butter.  Turn down the heat to a #4, so your butter will melt, but not burn.

When the butter is melted, remove skillet from the heat and pour your eggs into pan.  Put the skillet back on the heat and let it sit for 1 minute.

The next part goes kind of quickly, but don't get nervous, just have all of your ingredients close by.
With your spatula, move the outer edges toward the middle of the pan and tip your skillet to allow the egg mixture run to the outside.  Sounds confusing, but it's not hard, really.

Do this step a few times until there is hardly any liquid egg to move. Just keep tipping your pan and pulling the outer edges toward the middle of the pan. 

Now it's ready to add your ingredients.  Slide the skillet off the the burner while you add your ingredients.

Now add your ingredients.  This you will want to do rather quickly and don't fuss with them, really.  No need to.
Now you will just take your spatula and fold over one side on top of the other side of the omelette to cover the vegetable and cheese.  I couldn't take a picture of my omelette being flipped, so here it is just afterward.  It's easy, trust me.  And, if it's not perfect, don't worry you can toss some extra tomatoes and cilantro on top.  No one will ever notice ~

Now turn off the heat and let the omelette sit in the skillet for 2-3 minutes to set. At this point, transfer your omelette to a plate and sprinkle a few of those tomatoes and chopped cilantro to make it look nice and pretty on the plate!

Voila ~ enjoy..