

Got any pea shoots?


I was in and out on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago doing some shopping and wanted a healthy lunch.  So, I decided to grab a bite at home, in between shopping trips.  When it comes near the Holidays, my shopping becomes local because I hate the Malls at this time of year.  So I grabbed some basmati rice, Brought a cup in 1 1/2 of water to a boil.  Dropped in a pinch of saffron, pinch of salt and a teaspoon of butter.  While the rice cooked, I diced  two compari tomatoes and 1/2 of fresh avacado.  I had fresh pea shoots on hand, but you can substitute any lettuce.  A squeeze of lemon juice and a drop or two of good olive oil.  Don't forget lots of freshly ground black pepper.   Voila, not just lunch, but a wonderful and delicious lunch that looked like a a rainbow on my plate.   I believe that saying, that we eat with our eyes first..... 

Oh, just a little side note.  In the winter here, because it can be very cold and fresh tomatoes can be hard to come by.  I use compari tomatoes, which are a little smaller than an average one, but are good to have on hand.  I leave mine on the counter to ripen.  Even a few days makes the world of difference.  And about 1/2 hour before you are going to use them, slice or dice them, and add a pinch of salt.  It helps draw out the juices and they are delicious, almost as good as our summer ones.  Well, not quite, but good. 

And doesn't my lunch look yummy?  I thought you might agree.

Enjoy ~


  1. Food that looks as good as it tastes can't be beat. I know this will be a salad I try. Thanks!

  2. Hi... This is my first visit to your Blog, and I must say, your lunch caught my eye out of all of the Foody Friday posts! :) I will certainly try this! I hope I can find the pea shoots.


  3. Hi ladies,

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

