

Tender White Cabbage with Salt Pork ~

White cabbage is a more tender version of green cabbage.  If you have an Asian grocer near you, you can easily find it there.  If not, you can certainly use green cabbage here.  Just cook it longer.  If you can't find salt pork, you can use bacon as well.

This is a delicious side dish on a cold winter's night.

1 small head of white cabbage, cored and sliced thinly.
3 slices of salt pork, diced.
freshly ground black pepper

In a large saute pan, on stove top, turn burner on medium high heat.  Add oil and salt pork.  Saute about 5-7 minutes until pork renders, stirring.  Remove salt pork and add sliced cabbage.  Toss the cabbage until it's coated and shiny.  Add 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper and cook on medium low for about 10 minutes, or until cabbbage starts to wilt.  Cover and turn heat off.  Let sit on stove top for about 10 minutes.  Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with the salt pork.