

Boozy, New Orleans Bread Pudding ~

Being from Boston, I have never made Bread Pudding before.  It's a Southern thing I think.   But a friend had asked me to make it for her when she was coming to dinner, so of course I said yes.  I did some research and found this easy and delicious recipe from another friend.

The reason I chose this particular bread pudding was because of how easy it is to make and how delicious it sounded.  Oh, and that it has the raisins soaking overnight in Bourbon, with extra Bourbon in the sauce.  How bad can that be?  Right, it can't....  By the way, it's a fabulous dessert.  And easy, did I say that already?  Yes, very easy to make.

You can find the recipe is on my friend Carolyn's blog "A Southerner's Notebook", here.

The only change I made to the original recipe, is that I used Challah Bread and cut the sugar by a quarter of a cup.

Here's a picture of it going into the oven.

And here it is all puffy and golden coming out of the oven.  I baked it about 15 minutes than it called for.  I just checked it every 5 minutes after the initial 40 minutes that the recipes states.

Make sure you let it cool a bit before serving.

Enjoy ~



  1. I feel so honored that you prepared this recipe and then posted it on your blog. {{{HUGS}}} Thank you for showing my blog site, that was so sweet of you Mare. As I mentioned I do LOVE this recipe, after seeing it on your blog wellllllllll, I think I need to make it again.

