

Roasted baby bok choy ~

It's been cool here lately, weather reaching 70 degrees during the day.  It's still perfect weather for turning on the oven and for me, roasting vegetables is my favorite way to eat them.  So I try to stretch out the roasting season and this year I'm lucky and make most all of my vegetables this way. 

I am also fortunate to have an Asian Market near me, but even if you don't, you can find Bok Choy is most large grocery stores.

Bok Choy is a delicious vegetable and roasting it makes it even more tasty.  Baby Bok Choy is even more delicious, look for stalks about the 4" inches in length.

You need to rinse and dry them, and cut them in half the long way.  Trim off the tops so they don't dry out, about an inch down from the top will do.

 Sprinkle a little salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil and roast them in the oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.  Make sure you turn them over at the halfway point.

The roasting gives food such a wonderful flavor, can't go back to steaming again. 

Pretty soon, I'll put away my roasting pans for the summer and cook my vegetables on the stovetop. 

Here is another picture of the beach.  This is a lagoon we found that is just gorgeous while we were in Bermuda.