

Butterscotch Tiramisu Cheesecake ~ easy and gorgeous too!

I wanted a special dessert for my grandkids combined birthday celebration because they are teenagers now.  And, I wanted something that not only tasted wonderful, but looked special too.  I found the original one on The Painted Apron's blog and fell in love with her presentation.  Mine is adapted, but just as nice I think.

This is a very easy cake to do and I made mine the night before and left it in a spring form pan overnight in the fridge.  The next day, I easily transported it to my oldest son's house.  Then I released the sides and tied my bow on it.  It was a huge hit.   But for me, I found it a tad sweet and I love chocolate so this lovely and easy cake wouldn't be my choice.  However, if you have teenagers or men in the house, they loved it!

Here's how to make it.

24 soft ladyfingers
4 T. melted butter, cooled
2 T. Cointreau liquor

Cheesecake/Tiramisu filling:
4 - 8oz. pkgs. of cream cheese
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup of white sugar
4 eggs
2 T. Cointreau
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1 cup of butterscotch chips, plus more for the top decoration

Toast 12 split ladyfingers in an 350 degree oven for 10 minutes.  Watch after 7 minutes, so they don't burn.  Remove from oven.

Place toasted ladyfingers in food processer along with melted butter and 2 T. Cointreau.  Pulse until medium crumbs.  Press into the bottom of a sprayed 9 inch spring form pan. 

Place the rest of the split ladyfingers on the sides of the spring form pan, set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, using a paddle attachment, mix the cream cheese and white sugar together.  Add sour cream, brown sugar and remaining Cointreau.  Add eggs, one at a time.  Pour half the batter into the spring form pan (no need to measure).  It's okay if it's not perfectly half the batter.  Sprinkle the butterscotch chips in one layer over the batter.

Pour the rest of the batter over the top of the butterscotch chips and place in the oven for 55-60 minutes.  It will still jiggle in the middle a little.  Shut off oven, open door ajar for 1/2 hr.  Then remove the cake from the oven and let cool on a wire rack for another 1/2 hr.  Place a row of butterscotch chips around the outside edge of the cheesecake.

At this point, you can place a piece of plastic wrap to cover the cake refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or overnight.  Unmold sides.

I served it with Curtis Stone's Butterscotch sauce on the side.   But before I did, I tied it up with a pretty ribbon for a special night!

I'm joining the lovely Michele Lee West at Rattlebridge Farm, Foodie Friday....



  1. I am so flattered you made a version of my cheesecake for your special event~ we absolutely love the way this turned out and yours is beautiful! I love the ribbon! Wish I had thought of that! Yum yum, I might make this again for Tnanksgiving! Thanks for the mention, really appreciated!

  2. That is a stunning looking cheesecake, and your presentation is beautiful. I can imagine that being a real family pleaser - perfect for any celebration.

  3. Thank you ladies and thanks for stopping by... :)

    And Jenna, my jaw dropped when I saw the cake on your site! When I was making mine, I didn't see that you had cut the ladyfingers for the sides. When I took mine out of the oven to place the butterscotch chips, I couldn't understand why mine didn't look as gorgeous as yours. :) Hence the ribbon placement, lol!

    Thanks again ladies! Compliments are nice to hear.


  4. Dear Mary, Just stopping by from Foodie Friday. This cheesecake looks so beautiful and sounds just as wonderful...This is a wonderful holiday recipe. Now following. If you get a chance, stop by before the day is over, I'm hosting a giveaway that I would love for you to enter. Either way it would be wonderful to hear from you. Blessings, Catherine

  5. Thank you Catherine ~

    I checked out your site as well. Very nice giveaway. :)

