

PW's BBQ Chicken Pizza - Yum ~

Here in Boston we aren't really known for our BBQ, let alone BBQ Chicken Pizza.  But, I was home yesterday morning and perusing recipes and came across one from The Pioneer Woman's Website.  I saw her awesome pictures and thought, yum.  I have never tasted, never mind made a pizza with bbq sauce on it.  We here in Boston are more known for our "red sauce" type of pizza.  And I have made plenty of those through the years.  So as the New Year was fast approaching, I decided to give this "new-age" pizza a try.  It has all the ingredients I love, so why not.  I did throw in extra ingredients on mine, to spice things up just a bit.  And I am so glad I did, it was a delicious and mighty tasting dinner.

So here you go, a pictorial of my BBQ Chicken Pizza.

If you're making one pizza, use one half of a boneless, skinless chicken breast.  Put it in a plastic bag, or a container with an air tight cover, with 1/2 cup of bbq sauce and let it marinate for a couple of hours in the fridge.  When ready to begin, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Place chicken into a pyrex dish and pour the marinade over it.  Bake uncovered for 25-30 minutes, uncovered.

While your chicken is baking, prepare your other ingredients.

1 medium red onion, cut in half and sliced thinly
1 6 ounce ball of mozzarella cheese, sliced thinly
2 ounces of chedder cheese, sliced thinly (optional)
1/2 medium jalapeno pepper, chopped tiny (optional)
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped

Place your dough on your floured counter and stretch it into a large half sheet pan, with a tablespoon of cornmeal on the tray so it doesn't stick while it bakes.  I buy my dough frozen from my grocery store and keep it in the freezer, so I can have it on hand always.  It comes in a 1lb package and that's the amount I use to make a large pizza.  Any brand will do, trust me. Or you can make your own if you like.

When your chicken is done, slice it thinly and then cube it.  Take 4 tablespoons more of your bbq sauce, any good jarred brand will do.  Or you can make your own.  Now spread it on your pizza dough.  Oh and  turn up your oven to 500 degrees, farenheit.

Don't put too much sauce on the dough, just enough like this.  Spread it around, with the back of a tablepoon.

Now start layering everything on top of your pizza.  First your cheese, then your chicken, next your jalapeno and red onion.  Fan out your red onion so no one gets big clumps of it when they bite into the pizza.

Place your pizza in your lower 1/3 rack of your oven and bake for 10 minutes.  Remove pizza from the oven and check the underneath crust by lifting your pizza from the edge with a butter knife.  You are looking for a golden brown crust under there.  Now place your pizza back in the top 1/3 part of the oven for 2-3 minutes, so all of the cheese is nice and melty.

Remove pizza from the oven and let rest for about 5 minutes before cutting it.  Then sprinkle lots of chopped cilantro on top of the pizza and serve.

  I didn't stop at one slice.

Yum, that's for sure.  I am now a big fan of BBQ pizza and will be putting this on my menu again for sure.  I love pizza and not just the "red sauce" type any more.

Enjoy ~


  1. Oh Mary, this looks fabulous. I may have to try this very soon. I am really enjoying some of PW's recipes when actually I didn't think I would but I am using her book more and more and looking forward to the new one coming soon.

    PS: I'm not feeling well at all and have decided to not go out this evening. I just don't feel up to it. Walter and I will have a quiet celebration at home, open our bottle of champagne and just enjoy a quiet evening. Nothing wrong with that.

  2. Oh Carolyn,

    I am sorry that you aren't feeling well and since you aren't, you are wise to stay home and have a quiet evening with Walter. Hugs to you both. Get better soon.

    And yes Carolyn, some of PW's recipe are surprisingly great! I added a lot more red onion and some extra cheese on mine. Next time I am going to do 1/2 mozzarella and half smoked Gouda. It was still fab the way I made though. An easy yet delicious dinner.

    Take care, Mare

  3. Hello Mary! All your recipes sound so delicious, I'm hoping I can learn something. After all the holiday meals, I'm ready for fresh and low fat!! The BBQ pizza sounds fantastic, but I might start with the scallops. Eggplant parmigian is something I've never tried to prepare, but thanks for you I might just give it a try! I will look forward to seeing what you're cookin' in 2012!!

  4. Hi Betsy,

    I love Ina's Scallops Provencal and make them nearly weekly. Easy yet delicious.

    And thank you for your sweet comments. Please do try the eggplant, it's very easy to make.
    Trust me. :)

